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Special Needs Ministry


To use the gifts and expertise God has given us to support and encourage individuals with special needs and their families to thrive and achieve their full potential.



To provide a range of services, including education and support, that are designed to meet the unique needs of individuals with special needs in our family of churches.

These resources can help you learn about the laws that ensure your family member has access to the supports and services they need to thrive as well as programs and services that can help them to achieve their full potential.

We have a team of professional disciples that can provide information regarding related services which may include psychological and counseling services, childhood development, autism spectrum, anger management, speech, language, and hearing, early reading and dyslexia intervention, assistive technology, physical and occupational therapy, accommodations in the classroom, assistance with daily tasks, guidance regarding Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARDs) Services, and physical and/or medical diagnoses.

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